


1.先會講名詞、然後是單一動詞,最近(2y1M後終於)開始有V+N的辭彙,比方說: 吃糖糖。

2.了解形容詞: 我說你不能擠這麼多乳液出來,她看著我回答:ㄧ點點。

3.唯一會講的句子(S+V+O)是: 我-愛-你(還要配合手語動作),從澳洲回來後最可愛的驚喜!

4.了解抽象概念: 打開糖果盒裡面沒有糖果時,會說: 空的、沒有~

5.能夠表達意思: 看到外公外婆吃完晚飯後開門要去散步,急急忙忙跑過去說: ㄧ起去~

6.很會討價還價: 吃完腰果或糖果還想再要,會ㄧ直說:再ㄧ次、再ㄧ次...


2 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

She is very good in her age! Give her more credits. I definitely think she is above the average. Last time I spoke to her, she asked me to sing songs for her. She told me "坡" "狗狗" . She can express herself pretty well and get what she wants. Think about it, she only two years old and already have a good phone communication skill.....

Man... your baby is a genius!!!!!

keep calm and carry on 提到...

you're kind of exaggerated....(shy)
NiNi is really flattered!